Monday, September 7, 2009

Hepatitis A-B-C . . .

Hepatitis is a viral infection of the liver. It is spread by close contact – kissing, sharing eating utensils, using the same glass or toothbrush.

Hepatitis A is the mildest form, with a rapid onset of fatigue, nausea and even jaundice. Complete bed rest for three to five weeks is the standard treatment which cures the condition.

Hepatitis B is spread by blood contact, i.e. contaminated needles and contaminated blood transfusion; it usually occurs in IV drug users.

Hepatitis C is the most widespread form throughout the world, especially Asia. Contaminated food and septic systems are additional causes of spread.

Often the patient is unaware that he has been infected since the virus may remain dormant in a person for years. Abnormal liver tests are the first signs of infection.

Treatment in this country consists of Interferon and Ribavirin. Both are somewhat effective, but have severe side effects. However, Japan, the country with the most experience in treatment, has developed many natural protocols some of which appear to be more effective than their American counterparts

The biggest mistake with hepatitis is waiting too long to start treatment. The sicker the patient, the less likelihood of a good recovery.

For more information and a free consultation, please call us at (914) 241-7030.

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