Friday, September 4, 2009

The ABC's of Heavy Metal Toxicity, Detox and Chelation . . .

Heavy Metal Toxicity, Detox and Chelation
  1. Heavy metal toxicity-all health agencies agree that the planet is becoming increasingly polluted with all types of toxic material especially heavy metals (lead, mercury, arsenic, tin et cetera). Heavy metals in the human body affects hormone regulation, reduces the effectiveness of the immune system, creates increased inflammation especially in muscles and joints, and tends to promote abnormal weight gain. The treatment is a specific program of detoxification based upon the patient’s symptoms, kidney function and concentration of metals. Over a period of several months all the symptoms associated with this condition can be reversed and cleared up.
  2. Detoxification-this is the process by which the body constantly removes waste and toxic material. This is done by our kidneys, liver, lungs, and even our skin. This process eliminates natural waste products residues of drugs such as antibiotics, as well as food additives. Heavy metals which are poisonous enter our body through the air, water, and food. Some are eliminated but some are stored in our body where they can accumulate to toxic levels over a period of time. There are many programs of detoxification using combinations of specific nutrients, diets, as well as various types of chelating agents. Our office specializes in these programs specific for the individual needs.
  3. Chelation-Do I need it and how is it done? Chelation is a treatment developed over 50 years ago and FDA approved for the removal of certain heavy metals from the body. Generally given IV they attract and attach themselves to these heavy metals and are then excreted through the kidneys. Whether your body has an excess burden of heavy metals can be determined by several tests including blood tests and a chelated urine test. As done in our office, this is the most effective way of determining deeply embedded heavy metals. The benefits of such treatment are an improved immune system, decreased inflammation of muscles and joints, improved hormone regulation and better weight management. A similar form of chelation has been used for many years to treat arteriosclerosis or hardening of the arteries.
We invite you to come meet with us, at no charge, to discuss your health concerns and goals. Our practitioners and you will be more certain as to the appropriateness of developing a practitioner-patient partnership. Call us at (914) 241-7030 for a 15 minute complimentary consultation.

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