Tuesday, September 22, 2009

Future topics . . .

At Advanced Medicine of Mt. Kisco, we strive to ensure that we make a difference in your health and quality of life. To this end, we invite you to come meet with us, at no charge, to discuss your health concerns and goals. Our practitioners and you will be more certain as to the appropriateness of developing a practitioner-patient partnership. Look for additional information on the following topics in the near future.
  1. Probiotics - Probiotics are the replacement of the beneficial bacteria and yeast in our intestinal tract which are important for our health and immune system. Recent information is that 60% of all antibiotic production in the United States goes for animal feed. This creates a vast amount of resistant bacteria in our food supply making the use of probiotics even more essential.

  2. Chelation - Chelation is a process developed over 50 years ago and FDA approved in which certain material such as EDTA are taken into the body in order to attach themselves to heavy metals. This complex is then excreted through the kidneys and is the approved process by which heavy metals are removed from the body. A very similar form of chelation has been used for many years in order to remove certain metals and substances associated with arteriosclerosis, reversing or slowing down this process.

  3. Heavy metal toxicity - All health agencies agree that the planet is becoming increasingly polluted with all types of toxic material especially heavy metals, lead, mercury, arsenic, tin, etc. The presence of heavy metals in the human body affects hormone regulation, reduces the effectiveness of the immune system, and because it is often stored in fat tissue tends to promote abnormal weight gain.

  4. Detoxification - This is the process by which the body constantly removes waste and toxic material. This is done by our kidneys, our liver, our lungs, and even our skin. The process by which this is done in regard to heavy metals is not understood. Certain people who are exposed to heavy metal are unable to eliminate them from the body in a normal fashion and therefore they accumulate in elevated and toxic levels over a period of time. Many forms of treatment are available including certain nutrients and chelation.

  5. Prolotherapy - Injecting tendons and joint with certain substances that promotes a controlled inflammation leads to increased blood flow and accelerates healing and repair of these areas. The result is decreased pain, increased joint mobility. This treatment can be done with a certain sugar solution, or more recently using ozone in which it is called Prolozone therapy and finally the most recent form is called platelet-rich plasma which uses the patient’s own blood factors in order to create a very rapid and effective local healing.

  6. Ozone - Ozone is activated oxygen or O3. It is generated with special equipment using very high voltage electricity and this reactive form of oxygen will destroy all forms of life including all bacteria, viruses, fungus, mold, et cetera. In very high doses, it is used for the commercial sterilization of food production areas since it leaves no toxic residue. With proper use and dosage in humans it stimulates the immune system, has been found valuable in treatment of hepatitis C and possibly HIV, and has been shown beneficial in certain bacterial infections. Hydrogen peroxide is another variation on ozone therapy.

  7. Celiac disease and gluten sensitivity - Celiac disease has been long recognized as a severe sensitivity to certain grain proteins-gliadin. Although generally recognized in its severe form which causes abdominal cramps, bloating, and diarrhea, it is also present in a milder form, often undiagnosed which causes increased inflammation leading to rashes, malabsorption, vitamin deficiencies, aggravation of other inflammatory conditions, and neurological problems. Aside from proper diet, replacement of deficient nutrients is an important part of the treatment.

  8. Stomach acid production - The stomach produces hydrochloric acid as well as digestive enzymes which work most efficiently in the presence of acid. Acid production generally declines in individuals over 60 and a large number of people over 65 do not produce enough acid for normal digestion of their foods and absorption of the nutrients. Low acid production may cause no symptoms or those of dyspepsia and unfortunately these are often treated with acid-reducing drugs such as Nexium and Prilosec which actually aggravate the situation. A gastric analysis test has been available for the last 50 years which actually measures the amount of stomach acid produced and although generally overlooked and not done in most offices, is available in this office. Low stomach acid along with the use of acid blockers often allows bacteria, mold, and fungus on our foods to enter into our small intestine where they cause a variety of symptoms often called irritable bowel syndrome.

For more information and a free consultation, please call us at (914) 241-7030.

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