Wednesday, September 30, 2009

Our YouTube Channel . . .

We have been busy at Advanced Medicine of Mt. Kisco, P.C. and are happy to announce our YouTube Channel! This is the first posting from Dr. Neil Raff.

See more on our YouTube channel:

Friday, September 25, 2009

A few words from Dr. Raff . . .

Since the Almighty created man to be imperfect, even the ten commandments have a little wiggle room for interpretation. Not so, certain Federal health mandates! Last week's New York Times carried the story of an unfortunate woman, speechless because of ALS (Lou Gehrig's disease), who received an $8000 computer which could speak for her. What was denied was a superior, easier phone and notebook PC. The total cost would have been about $450. Her denial for this inexpensive alternative was based upon the potential use of this equipment being used for non-medical functions!

We all are disgusted at this waste and poor judgment. The real problem is why simple common sense is not utilized. Why is this so? Is this because they are safe if they don't stray out of the regulation solution?

President Obama, please make the following executive order! If anything works just as well or better, it's OK, even if it doesn't comply with Federal Regulations or can be used for other purposes. Federal employees not complying with this will have 1/2 the cost difference that could have been saved , but was not, deducted from their pay!

Tuesday, September 22, 2009

Future topics . . .

At Advanced Medicine of Mt. Kisco, we strive to ensure that we make a difference in your health and quality of life. To this end, we invite you to come meet with us, at no charge, to discuss your health concerns and goals. Our practitioners and you will be more certain as to the appropriateness of developing a practitioner-patient partnership. Look for additional information on the following topics in the near future.
  1. Probiotics - Probiotics are the replacement of the beneficial bacteria and yeast in our intestinal tract which are important for our health and immune system. Recent information is that 60% of all antibiotic production in the United States goes for animal feed. This creates a vast amount of resistant bacteria in our food supply making the use of probiotics even more essential.

  2. Chelation - Chelation is a process developed over 50 years ago and FDA approved in which certain material such as EDTA are taken into the body in order to attach themselves to heavy metals. This complex is then excreted through the kidneys and is the approved process by which heavy metals are removed from the body. A very similar form of chelation has been used for many years in order to remove certain metals and substances associated with arteriosclerosis, reversing or slowing down this process.

  3. Heavy metal toxicity - All health agencies agree that the planet is becoming increasingly polluted with all types of toxic material especially heavy metals, lead, mercury, arsenic, tin, etc. The presence of heavy metals in the human body affects hormone regulation, reduces the effectiveness of the immune system, and because it is often stored in fat tissue tends to promote abnormal weight gain.

  4. Detoxification - This is the process by which the body constantly removes waste and toxic material. This is done by our kidneys, our liver, our lungs, and even our skin. The process by which this is done in regard to heavy metals is not understood. Certain people who are exposed to heavy metal are unable to eliminate them from the body in a normal fashion and therefore they accumulate in elevated and toxic levels over a period of time. Many forms of treatment are available including certain nutrients and chelation.

  5. Prolotherapy - Injecting tendons and joint with certain substances that promotes a controlled inflammation leads to increased blood flow and accelerates healing and repair of these areas. The result is decreased pain, increased joint mobility. This treatment can be done with a certain sugar solution, or more recently using ozone in which it is called Prolozone therapy and finally the most recent form is called platelet-rich plasma which uses the patient’s own blood factors in order to create a very rapid and effective local healing.

  6. Ozone - Ozone is activated oxygen or O3. It is generated with special equipment using very high voltage electricity and this reactive form of oxygen will destroy all forms of life including all bacteria, viruses, fungus, mold, et cetera. In very high doses, it is used for the commercial sterilization of food production areas since it leaves no toxic residue. With proper use and dosage in humans it stimulates the immune system, has been found valuable in treatment of hepatitis C and possibly HIV, and has been shown beneficial in certain bacterial infections. Hydrogen peroxide is another variation on ozone therapy.

  7. Celiac disease and gluten sensitivity - Celiac disease has been long recognized as a severe sensitivity to certain grain proteins-gliadin. Although generally recognized in its severe form which causes abdominal cramps, bloating, and diarrhea, it is also present in a milder form, often undiagnosed which causes increased inflammation leading to rashes, malabsorption, vitamin deficiencies, aggravation of other inflammatory conditions, and neurological problems. Aside from proper diet, replacement of deficient nutrients is an important part of the treatment.

  8. Stomach acid production - The stomach produces hydrochloric acid as well as digestive enzymes which work most efficiently in the presence of acid. Acid production generally declines in individuals over 60 and a large number of people over 65 do not produce enough acid for normal digestion of their foods and absorption of the nutrients. Low acid production may cause no symptoms or those of dyspepsia and unfortunately these are often treated with acid-reducing drugs such as Nexium and Prilosec which actually aggravate the situation. A gastric analysis test has been available for the last 50 years which actually measures the amount of stomach acid produced and although generally overlooked and not done in most offices, is available in this office. Low stomach acid along with the use of acid blockers often allows bacteria, mold, and fungus on our foods to enter into our small intestine where they cause a variety of symptoms often called irritable bowel syndrome.

For more information and a free consultation, please call us at (914) 241-7030.

Friday, September 18, 2009

Health Care and The Days of Judgment . . .

Many religions have some form of confession, repentance and a day of judgment. All of us however face a day of judgment every time we submit a health insurance claim! Will they say yes or no? Can I have the treatment or not? Did they pay or deny?

Most of us accept and pray to some supreme singular entity, beyond our comprehension, who makes judgments about our lives. Will the year be peaceful or troubled? Will we be successful or fail? Will we live or die?

But what or who is this mysterious and nameless entity that makes our health insurance decisions? It cannot be doctors - there are not enough to make the thousands of daily decisions. Nurses? How qualified are they to judge the subtleties of proper care of someone they never met? Administrators or government employees? Are they calling the shots (pun intended)? This system has a wonderful backup, in case you appeal or complain. That is the underwriter, another mysterious entity who usually decides that you are not entitled to almost anything, because 1) The treatments are not deemed "necessary", or 2) They are not approved treatments.

This nation is facing a health care crisis primarily for one reason. The people who best know the patient and can best decide the most effective and economical care - The DOCTORS - are being removed from the equation. Everyday there are more rules, regulations, restrictions, pre-existing circumstances and limitations to deal with.

It is no longer what the patient needs, but what the system will allow. It is no longer what I, the doctor, knows is best for the patient, but what the system calls the acceptable "standard care". If the doctor strays beyond the normal routine path, there is a whole flock of lawyers ready to pounce. Thus that extra CT scan or ECG, or blood test is always in order and indeed ordered, adding staggering 20-25% to our total annual health care cost.

Under the system that I trained, the doctor and the patient worked effectively, efficiently and economically.

Our present health system is a mess, but I oppose the vague and complex near 1000 page program. I don't want another nameless, faceless, self-omnipotent entity controlling my life.

I have only one God and I would like to keep it that way.

Neil Raff, MD

Wednesday, September 16, 2009

Some thoughts on Health Care . . .

WhenI graduated med school, there were two decision makers in health care - the patient and the doctor. Today there are one to two major or two minor - the two minor decision makers are the patient and the doctor; the two major are the insurance and drug companies, who decide the medications available and what gets paid.

The key concept is - who makes the decisions? Every patient, every situation is different. No, I don't start a 90 year old man on a lipitor because of recently elevated cholesterol if his health is otherwise ok. No I don't start an obese diabetic on insulin without careful education about diet. Yes, I do advise a 35 year old person to have a routine ekg if he or she has never had one before; it's a valuable baseline and may pick up undetected problems.

The point is - these are all independent judgment calls for the benefit of the patient. This system of doctor- patient relationships worked well and cost effectively for many years. Given the increasing burdens of medicare denials and rules and the confusion of reading your health care policy, will a 1,000 page confusing and conflicted set of rules really improve health care? The present system has real problems. Let's not make it worse.

Monday, September 14, 2009

Kudos to Michael Pollan . . .

Bravo to Michael Pollan on his September 10, 2009 New York Times article, Big Food vs Big Insurance.

As a young boy shopping with my mother I found out that certain foods were "out of season". No more. January or July, the dazzling colors of the veggies and fruit at the supermarket are unchanged. It seems that food is no longer grown in this country, but "manufactured".

In addition to endorsing Michael Pollan's article, here are a few additional thoughts:
  • According to Johns Hopkins School of Public Health, 60% of all antibiotics produced in this country end up in animal feed! Consistent use of antibiotics in this way kills off many weaker bacteria, but leaving a few of the resistant forms to multiply. This means not only increasing the chances of food poisoning from improperly processed chicken, meat, etc., but that the infecting bacteria will be more resilient to antibiotic treatment, i.e. you will have a much more serious, or life threatening infection.
  • Aside from the sugar in sodas which add to obesity, all cola drinks are highly acidic. If consumed in large amounts, 3-5 cans a day, they dissolve calcium in our bones and add to osteoporosis. Don’t believe me? Take a small clean chicken wing bone, put it in half glass of cola drink. Next all dissolved! Gone! We have the highest consumption of cola (diet or regular) in the world and the highest incidence of osteoporosis.
  • High fructose corn syrup – a cheap sweetener, stimulates high insulin levels in the human body, essentially creating an artificial form of type 2 diabetes, even if you are not genetically predisposed!

Some thoughts on solutions:

  • a) If you have speeding tickets or DWI’s your auto insurance goes sky high because you are a greater risk. Since money talks and baloney walks, how about a simple required annual exam, measuring height, weight, body mass index, blood sugar, tobacco and other drug residues, etc. The better you care for yourself, the lower your premium, just like auto insurance. This should apply to all forms of health care, and it is a good incentive for taking care of yourself.
  • b) Health insurance companies should also provide life insurance! The longer they keep you alive, the longer they delay paying the big bucks. Suddenly their incentive is to keep you healthy and alive, not hope for a quick and inexpensive death.
  • c) Substance abuse is the term for both drug users and excess alcohol consumption. Perhaps obesity should be added to that list, since it involves the excess or intemperate use of substances leading to disease or premature death.

Neil Raff,
doctor, patient, payer of insurance premiums and consumer of food
* New York Times Article Big Food vs. Insurance by Michael Pollan

Friday, September 11, 2009

The Best Health Possible . . .

The Best Health Possible Through Advanced Medicine of Mt. Kisco . . .

The human body has a great ability to heal and repair, fight infections, expel toxins and reduce aging and deterioration. This depends on a proper supply of vitamins, minerals and a balanced nutrition. Disease and dysfunction occur when these essential factors are not in proper balance, making the body more vulnerable.

Our goal is to evaluate the nutritional balances in your body 1) to be sure they meet your health needs, and 2) to correct any deficiencies that are affecting your health and well being. We emphasize optimal nutrition, in order to achieve proper hormone balance, detoxification, support of your immune systems and reductions in cardiac and cancer risk.

We specialize in:
  • Intestinal Health - malabsorption, inflammation and allergies not only causes symptoms in the GI tract, but affect the absorption of nutrition for all our systems. We use gastric acid analysis and autonomic nervous system testing as part of our advanced non-invasive testing for all GI conditions.
  • Pain Control - most of the joint pain is caused by tendon and ligament weakness (laxity) and can be effectively treated by prolotherapy, including the use of ozone and PRP, a new and very effective form of treatment.
  • And providing the best combination of natural, nutritional and holistic medical care.
At each visit to Advanced Medicine of Mt. Kisco, Dr. Raff follows through on his mantra: Taking time to listen to the patient is the most important diagnostic test there is. He does this by providing a very thorough intake that helps him look at your whole body system and how it is interacting.

We invite you to come meet with us, at no charge, to discuss your health concerns and goals. Our practitioners and you will be more certain as to the appropriateness of developing a practitioner-patient partnership. Call us at (914) 241-7030 for a 15 minute complimentary consultation.

Wednesday, September 9, 2009

A few words on PRP . . .

What is Platelet Rich Plasma?

Platelet Rich Plasma, or PRP is blood plasma with concentrated platelets. The concentrated platelets found in PRP contain huge reservoirs of bioactive proteins, including growth factors that are vital to initiate and accelerate tissue repair and regeneration. These bioactive proteins initiate connective tissue healing: bone, tendon and ligament regeneration and repair, promote development of new blood vessels and stimulate the wound healing process.

How does PRP Therapy work?

To prepare PRP, a small amount of blood is taken from the patient. The blood is then placed in a centrifuge. The centifuge spins and automatically produces the PRP. The entire process takes less than 15 minutes and increases the concentration of platelets and growth factors up to 500%. When PRP is injected into the damaged area it stimulates the tendon or ligament, causing mild inflammation that triggers the healing cascade. As a result new collagen begins to shrink causing the tightening and strengthening of the tendons or ligaments of the damaged area.

What are the potential benefits?

Patients can see a significant improvement in symptoms. This may eliminate the need for more aggressive treatments such as long term medication or surgery as well as a remarkable return of function.

Our office strives to ensure that we make a difference in your health and quality of life. To this end, we invite you to come meet with us, at no charge, to discuss your health concerns and goals. Our practitioners and you will be more certain as to the appropriateness of developing a practitioner-patient partnership. Call us at (914) 241-7030 for a 15 minute complimentary consultation.

Monday, September 7, 2009

Hepatitis A-B-C . . .

Hepatitis is a viral infection of the liver. It is spread by close contact – kissing, sharing eating utensils, using the same glass or toothbrush.

Hepatitis A is the mildest form, with a rapid onset of fatigue, nausea and even jaundice. Complete bed rest for three to five weeks is the standard treatment which cures the condition.

Hepatitis B is spread by blood contact, i.e. contaminated needles and contaminated blood transfusion; it usually occurs in IV drug users.

Hepatitis C is the most widespread form throughout the world, especially Asia. Contaminated food and septic systems are additional causes of spread.

Often the patient is unaware that he has been infected since the virus may remain dormant in a person for years. Abnormal liver tests are the first signs of infection.

Treatment in this country consists of Interferon and Ribavirin. Both are somewhat effective, but have severe side effects. However, Japan, the country with the most experience in treatment, has developed many natural protocols some of which appear to be more effective than their American counterparts

The biggest mistake with hepatitis is waiting too long to start treatment. The sicker the patient, the less likelihood of a good recovery.

For more information and a free consultation, please call us at (914) 241-7030.

Friday, September 4, 2009

The ABC's of Heavy Metal Toxicity, Detox and Chelation . . .

Heavy Metal Toxicity, Detox and Chelation
  1. Heavy metal toxicity-all health agencies agree that the planet is becoming increasingly polluted with all types of toxic material especially heavy metals (lead, mercury, arsenic, tin et cetera). Heavy metals in the human body affects hormone regulation, reduces the effectiveness of the immune system, creates increased inflammation especially in muscles and joints, and tends to promote abnormal weight gain. The treatment is a specific program of detoxification based upon the patient’s symptoms, kidney function and concentration of metals. Over a period of several months all the symptoms associated with this condition can be reversed and cleared up.
  2. Detoxification-this is the process by which the body constantly removes waste and toxic material. This is done by our kidneys, liver, lungs, and even our skin. This process eliminates natural waste products residues of drugs such as antibiotics, as well as food additives. Heavy metals which are poisonous enter our body through the air, water, and food. Some are eliminated but some are stored in our body where they can accumulate to toxic levels over a period of time. There are many programs of detoxification using combinations of specific nutrients, diets, as well as various types of chelating agents. Our office specializes in these programs specific for the individual needs.
  3. Chelation-Do I need it and how is it done? Chelation is a treatment developed over 50 years ago and FDA approved for the removal of certain heavy metals from the body. Generally given IV they attract and attach themselves to these heavy metals and are then excreted through the kidneys. Whether your body has an excess burden of heavy metals can be determined by several tests including blood tests and a chelated urine test. As done in our office, this is the most effective way of determining deeply embedded heavy metals. The benefits of such treatment are an improved immune system, decreased inflammation of muscles and joints, improved hormone regulation and better weight management. A similar form of chelation has been used for many years to treat arteriosclerosis or hardening of the arteries.
We invite you to come meet with us, at no charge, to discuss your health concerns and goals. Our practitioners and you will be more certain as to the appropriateness of developing a practitioner-patient partnership. Call us at (914) 241-7030 for a 15 minute complimentary consultation.

Tuesday, September 1, 2009

A note from Dr. Raff . . .


The human body is the best pharmacy in the world. It produces antibiotics, tranquilizers, digestive enzymes, diuretics, blood pressure pills, pain relievers, and just about everything any drug company can make, only much better since there are no side effects or allergies. In order to do this complex job, our body like any drug company needs a variety of basic materials to work with. This is provided by the food that we absorb, the oxygen in the air we breathe, the water that we drink, and exposure to outside physical forces such as sunshine, gravity, and radiation. The control booth of this amazing factory is our genes, which contains the DNA the blueprint of every function in our body.

Like any manufacturing process, anything that interferes with the proper supply and balance of raw materials will affect how well our bodies can function (grow, heal, repair, fight off infection, reproduce, etc.) and this lack of adequate materials leads to dysfunction and eventually tissue disease.

My approach to the best of health is in three steps:
  1. Diagnosis – My aim is to diagnose the problem and the defects in their early, more treatable stages. Since nutrition plays a key role in maintaining good health, we look in detail at these areas. Inadequate nutrition can result from poor diet, malabsorption, unusual metabolic needs, and the malfunction of various digestive processes, and toxins, just to name a few. The degree of inadequate nutrition is extremely important. Most doctors do nothing until the patient suffers an obvious deficiency state. I prefer to test, diagnose and treat before the disease state is reached. No, I am not happy if my six cylinder car is running on four cylinders, even if the mechanic says it is OK. I don’t want OK, or normal, whatever that is. I want the best health possible for myself and my patients.
  2. Nutritional Treatment - The more you can narrow down the cause of the dysfunction, the easier it is to treat. Unfortunately, many diseases and dysfunctions are so complex and indirect that it is important to think in terms of allergy, inflammation, autoimmunity, hormone imbalance, stress, and autonomic dysregulation in order to develop an appropriate treatment program. Since every function in the body affects every other function to some degree, the concept of a "specialist" often results in a limited thinking as far as the patient’s total health. This is where experience and judgment comes in because every person is unique and no two cases are ever identical. You must treat the person and not the disease.
  3. Traditional medical treatment - Unfortunately, there are many situations in which our body is so severely damaged that it is unable to heal itself even with the appropriate nutrition. For over 100 years, doctors have been searching for other ways to supplement their herbal remedies. This has evolved into the pharmaceutical industry, which can provide valuable treatments in specific areas where nutrition itself is not adequate. Using natural and effective treatments instead of drugs is where good clinical judgment comes in My goal is to treat the person, and not the illness.
In summary, good medical care starts with a proper evaluation of the patient’s condition; it then attempts to bolster and enhance the body’s natural healing, and finally uses pharmaceuticals only when more natural remedies are unable to do the job by themselves.

For more information email:
or call us at (914) 241-7030

We would love to join you on your path to better health.