Wednesday, August 19, 2009

A note from Dr. Raff's office . . .

Your job is good, your significant other loves you, and you are not sick. But, you are not right either. For months now, on and off, you are dragging, no energy, even too tired to do the good stuff. A little more achy, more sleep, but of poor quality, you are just not functioning like your normal self.

The medical doc says that all the blood tests are normal, that the endocrine referral guy says that the thyroid and sugar tests are normal. The rheumatologist says that you do not have Lupus, and cannot find evidence for Fibromyalgia (for which there is no test, and therefore he really does not believe it exists anyway), and finally the infectious disease specialist tells you that you are HIV and Lyme negative, but slightly positive for Epstein Barr, but do not worry, that does not really mean anything anyway! Two pints of blood and one lost week of work later, your medical doc thinks you may be depressed, and offers you a trial of Prozac, or a referral to the shrink.

You do the next logical thing, and buy a three month supply of super energizer, revitalizer vitamins, guaranteed to wake up your muscles, mind and sex life. Three weeks and $39.95 later, no change, except for abdominal cramps and increased gas. Your significant other is thinking about going away on vacation, anywhere. You would like to take a vacation from yourself also!

The scenario and the many variations, the headaches, dry skin, constipation, palpitations, short temper, urinary frequency, fatigue, etc., etc., are all too common today and emphasizes how the health care of today can do a fantastic job of treating serious and life threatening diseases, replacing broken and dying organs, imaging the most hidden parts of our body and finding things that need treatment and sometimes finding things they are not sure what to do with.Unfortunately, " I just don't feel well" does not have a diagnostic code number and requires more time and listening expertise than your friendly but rushed HMO doc has to offer. You have now become a bit of a thorn in the side of organized health care! Sound Familiar?

We understand. Our office strives to ensure that we make a difference in your health and quality of life. To this end, we invite you to come meet with us, at no charge, to discuss your health concerns and goals. Our practitioners and you will be more certain as to the appropriateness of developing a practitioner-patient partnership. Call us at (914) 241-7030 for a 15 minute complimentary consultation.

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