Sunday, August 30, 2009

Swine flu . . .

The dangers of the swine flu (SF), like all infections, depends on two factors:
  1. The strength or virulence of the infecting bug and
  2. The effectiveness of our body’s defenses, i.e. the immune system
The interplay between these two factors determine whether we stay well, get sick, recover, or die.

We cannot affect the strength or infectiousness of the bug, but we can do a great deal about our own defenses.
  1. Make sure we are receiving and absorbing the optimum nutrition needed to stay in tiptop condition. Deficiencies in vitamin C, zinc and vitamin D are especially important and should be monitored.
  2. Avoid antibiotics and prednisone unless absolutely necessary
  3. Get extra rest and sleep, avoid exercise, exertions or fatigue
  4. Test, treat and remove those pollutants and contaminants that depress our immune system. Remember this all started when a number of “young healthy Mexicans” died of SF. Well, I don’t think they were healthy at all. They were poor people living in a much polluted part of the world. Heavy metals such as lead, mercury, antimony and chemicals are known to severely depress the immune system. They therefore died of an infection that truly healthy people would have easily fought off.
In my practice, I test for the presence of heavy metals in patients with autoimmune disease, chronic inflammation, recurrent infection and Alzheimer’s disease. The results are often positive.

A note about vaccines: They are “watered down” or inactive forms of the bacteria or virus in question and their job is to stimulate our immune system to become more resilient without actually causing the disease. There is a hitch involved in that vaccines sometimes do not work and may even wind up infecting the patient with the disease. If your immune system is healthy to begin with, you will get good protection from the vaccine. If your immune system is down however, you are more prone to infection. And, ironically, administration of the vaccine, which is supposed to protect you, will increase the likelihood of your getting that very disease.

We invite you to come meet with us, at no charge, to discuss your health concerns and goals. Our practitioners and you will be more certain as to the appropriateness of developing a practitioner-patient partnership. Call us at (914) 241-7030 for a 15 minute complimentary consultation.

Thursday, August 27, 2009

More on Prolotherapy . . .

Our muscles attach to bone with fibrous tissue called tendons or ligaments, which also holds our joints together. Because they act as support tissue, they have minimal blood supply, which is why they look white. When injured this minimal blood supply results in either slow healing or scarring.

The body’s first step in any healing process is to increase the blood flow to the affected area, bringing in O² and nutritional healing factors. The better the blood flow, the quicker and more complete the healing and repair process. This is called inflammation.

Prolotherapy is an old technique to increase blood flow to injured joints, tendons and ligaments. It involves injecting a sugar type solution into the injury site, which promotes a controlled and beneficial inflammation. The result is decreased pain, increased mobility and strengthening of the injured tissue. Two to six treatments are usually needed, depending on the degree of injury. In certain cases ozone, an activated form of oxygen is used because it produces a better response. This is called prolozone.

The most recent prolotherapy is called Platelet Rich Plasma which uses the patient’s own blood platelets effecting a more rapid and complete healing. This treatment was highlighted on the front page of the New York Times when a key player on the Pittsburgh Steelers considered "out for the season" received PRP and starred in the Superbowl four weeks later.

Because prolotherapy strengthens and repairs injured tissue, it often makes surgery unnecessary. Cortisone shots, on the other hand, provide very temporary relief of pain and swelling, but used repeatedly will actually weaken the underlying tissue. Oral anti-inflammatory drugs – Advil, Motrin are associated with intestinal upset and GI bleeding. There are no side effects with any form of prolotherapy.

For more information and a free consultation, please call us at (914) 241-7030.

Tuesday, August 25, 2009

A bit more info . . .

Our Diagnostic Programs Include . . .
  1. Autonomic Nervous System - testing that part of the nervous system that controls all internal organ functions.
  2. Gastric Acid Analysis - Many digestive and acid problems are actually caused by lack of adequate gastric acid, which is accurately measured by this test.
  3. Arterial Stiffness Testing - developed by the Mayo Clinic to measure hardening of the arteries.
  4. Body Composition - the key to understanding your percent body fat and metabolic needs, in order to create the most effective weight loss program that goes beyond dieting.
Frequently Asked Questions . . .
  1. Can I take too many vitamins? Yes, too much of one vitamin can block absorption of another! Like any medication, you should only be taking the right amounts of the proper combinations.
  2. My doctor said my blood tests are normal. What does that mean? "Normal" is within an average range and means that you are not terribly sick.
  3. What do blood tests cover? They only tell a small part of your health story, and are a poor measure of inflammation, immune function, digestion and stress. Certain nutritional tests give a more accurate picture of factors affecting your health and causing symptoms.
  4. I eat a very healthy diet. Should I worry? Your body uses what it absorbs, not what you eat. No, don't worry, but do get a medical nutritional check up to be sure your diet and absorption are providing you with all the nutrients your body needs.
  5. I have Irritable Bowel Syndrome (IBS). Can you help? Yes, definitely. Gas, bloating and cramps are some of the most common GI symptoms. Bacterial overgrowth, inflammation and autonomic nerve regulation are often overlooked. Since we test these and other related issues, we can often relieve the uncomfortable symptoms and treat the root causes.
We invite you to come meet with us, at no charge, to discuss your health concerns and goals. Our practitioners and you will be more certain as to the appropriateness of developing a practitioner-patient partnership. Call us at (914) 241-7030 for a 15 minute complimentary consultation.

Sunday, August 23, 2009

Prolotherapy - Prolozone - PRP . . .

Prolotherapy is a non-surgical treatment to strengthen and repair injured ligaments, tendons and supportive tissue of the entire muscular skeletal system.

Prolo (short for proliferation) uses a dextrose solution, which is injected into the injured area (knee, back, elbow, etc.). This causes a controlled local inflammation in these weak areas which increases blood supply and flow of nutrients, stimulating local tissue repair.

In certain cases ozone, a reactive form of oxygen, is more effective than dextrose, more recently PRP has been used in more severe cases with dramatic results.

The outcome of this treatment is:
  • Decreased local pain
  • Better mobility
  • Tissue repair
often eliminating the need for surgery.

The number of treatments depends on the severity of the problem and can range from 1 to 6.

For more information and a free consultation, please call us at (914) 241-7030.

Friday, August 21, 2009

Chelation . . .

Chelation is the FDA-approved method to remove heavy metals (lead, mercury, arsenic, antimony) from the human body. EDTA is a substance developed and approved for this purpose over 50 years ago. It bonds to these metals and then is removed from the body through the kidneys. Most heavy metals tend to be stored in fat and nervous tissue. With chelation, they slowly migrate back into the blood where they are trapped and removed. Therefore, the most effective chelator must be in the blood stream. This occurs when it is given by IV (intravenous).

Oral chelators generally stay in the GI tract. They work best to block metals from food and drink from entering the body. Since only a small fraction of the oral chelator gets absorbed into the bloodstream, they are less effective in removing metals.

A typical chelation program will consist of four to five once-a-week chelations and then a nutritional IV. This is necessary to replace the small amount of beneficial minerals that are also removed. Periodic blood and urine testing is done to determine the progress made.

Once the toxic levels of metals have been removed to "normal" (the real normal is 0), it is advised that you have a monthly chelation for the next four to six months to remove any residual metals that are left and prevent further accumulations of metals in the future.

Specific nutrients will be prescribed to repair the damage from the heavy metals. Each chelation program is individualized for the patient's personal needs and will vary from one patient to another.

For more information and a free consultation, please call us at (914) 241-7030.

Wednesday, August 19, 2009

A note from Dr. Raff's office . . .

Your job is good, your significant other loves you, and you are not sick. But, you are not right either. For months now, on and off, you are dragging, no energy, even too tired to do the good stuff. A little more achy, more sleep, but of poor quality, you are just not functioning like your normal self.

The medical doc says that all the blood tests are normal, that the endocrine referral guy says that the thyroid and sugar tests are normal. The rheumatologist says that you do not have Lupus, and cannot find evidence for Fibromyalgia (for which there is no test, and therefore he really does not believe it exists anyway), and finally the infectious disease specialist tells you that you are HIV and Lyme negative, but slightly positive for Epstein Barr, but do not worry, that does not really mean anything anyway! Two pints of blood and one lost week of work later, your medical doc thinks you may be depressed, and offers you a trial of Prozac, or a referral to the shrink.

You do the next logical thing, and buy a three month supply of super energizer, revitalizer vitamins, guaranteed to wake up your muscles, mind and sex life. Three weeks and $39.95 later, no change, except for abdominal cramps and increased gas. Your significant other is thinking about going away on vacation, anywhere. You would like to take a vacation from yourself also!

The scenario and the many variations, the headaches, dry skin, constipation, palpitations, short temper, urinary frequency, fatigue, etc., etc., are all too common today and emphasizes how the health care of today can do a fantastic job of treating serious and life threatening diseases, replacing broken and dying organs, imaging the most hidden parts of our body and finding things that need treatment and sometimes finding things they are not sure what to do with.Unfortunately, " I just don't feel well" does not have a diagnostic code number and requires more time and listening expertise than your friendly but rushed HMO doc has to offer. You have now become a bit of a thorn in the side of organized health care! Sound Familiar?

We understand. Our office strives to ensure that we make a difference in your health and quality of life. To this end, we invite you to come meet with us, at no charge, to discuss your health concerns and goals. Our practitioners and you will be more certain as to the appropriateness of developing a practitioner-patient partnership. Call us at (914) 241-7030 for a 15 minute complimentary consultation.

Monday, August 17, 2009

Heavy Metals as Environmental Toxins . . .

As the environment becomes increasingly polluted, the accumulation of toxic metals (lead, mercury, arsenic, antimony) in our bodies is a rapidly increasing health concern. Trace amounts are found in the air, water, food supply (especially certain fish), dental amalgams, treated woods, tobacco and plastics. They can gradually and progressively accumulate in our bodies, in spite of a healthy lifestyle and proper nutrition.

Fatigue, hormone imbalance, poor healing, inflammation (muscles, joints, gut and brain), excessive and unusual weight gain, brain fog, and immune suppression are some of the symptoms of this insidious condition.

Although heavy metal poisoning is a recognized health problem, with insurance code numbers, few doctors consider this possibility and even fewer know how to test properly. Advanced Medicine of Mount Kisco is the leading medical office in Westchester, New York (USA) to diagnose and treat all forms of heavy metal toxicity. Please call our office at (914) 241- 7030 for further information as to how this condition could relate to your health.

Tuesday, August 11, 2009

Our Programs Include . . .

Here at Advanced Medicine of Mt. Kisco, P.C. we have special programs that focus on individual needs. These include:

  • Nutritional Treatment & Support of Medical Conditions: Heart disease, colitis, arthritis, fibromyalgia, irritable bowel, and many others are caused by inflammation. While drugs often cover up symptoms, nutrition therapy can accelerate repair and heal the underlying damage.
  • Detoxification Programs: We combine herbs, nutritionals, ozone, oral and IV Chelation for your specific needs to detox your system of unhealthy chemical and minerals including mercury and lead.
  • Hormone Replacement and Balancing: Hormones are regulators, and interact with one another. It is important to evaluate the entire system, not just one or two hormones.
  • Immune System Boost: Herbals, IV therapies, ozone and intestinal immune modulation are part of our support programs.
  • Cancer Support: Providing specific nutrition to support your non-malignant cells, minimizing side effects of chemo and radiation.
  • Colloidal Silver: A newly found use of an old established treatment for infection and inflammation.
  • Ozone Therapy, Hydrogen Peroxide Therapy: Treats chronic infections and depressed immunity.
  • Hepatitis C: Nutrition, ozone and high dose Vitamin C can be as effective as interferon, without the side effects.
  • Specific Nutritional Counseling: for any condition at any age including diabetes, food allergies, celiac sprue, IBS, sports performance and children's nutrition.
  • Active Wellness Program: This is a total packaged program to combine lifestyle counseling with the above programs to help you achieve your goals - weight loss, improve vitality, boost immunity and reduce stress and risk of illness.
A 15 minute complimentary consultation

Our office strives to ensure that we make a difference in your health and quality of life. To this end, we invite you to come meet with us, at no charge, to discuss your health concerns and goals. Our practitioners and you will be more certain as to the appropriateness of developing a practitioner-patient partnership.

For more information email:
or call us at (914) 241-7030

We would love to join you on your path to better health.

Thursday, August 6, 2009

A note from Dr. Raff . . .

My goal is to give you the best health possible through integrated medicine. The human body has a great ability to heal and repair, fight infection, expel toxins, and reduce aging. This ability depends on a proper supply of vitamins, minerals, and a balanced nutrition. Disease and dysfunction occur when these essential factors are not in proper balance.

By combining the best of alternative medicine, holistic principles with internal medicine, I have been able to treat and improve many conditions not responding to traditional medical therapy. In this way, patients can achieve a better level of wellbeing. - Neil C. Raff, M.D.

The guiding principles which set our office apart are:
  1. I take care of people, not patients. Taking the time to listen to all of your health concerns is my top priority.
  2. I do specialized testing - nutritional, autonomic, hormonal - that best fits your problems. I also review and use any outside testing that has been performed.
  3. All results are explained and put into one or more treatment programs for you to consider. These may include diet modification, specific supplements, IV of IM nutrition, detoxification, ozone and other programs.
  4. I treat with nutrition first, then medicine/drugs if necessary.
  5. My office provides realistic solutions for treatment and lifestyle. We also provide realistic solutions for illness, as well as disease of lifestyle.

For additional info email:

Monday, August 3, 2009

Celiac Disease...

Celiac disease is caused by an intestinal allergy to a protein-gliadin found in four grains - rye, barley, oats, and especially wheat. It is commonly referred to as a gluten allergy. In its most severe form - celiac disease, the patient suffers from cramps, bloating, and diarrhea after eating gluten- containing foods. This inflammation can be seen on both x-ray and endoscopy. The only treatment is avoiding gluten -containing foods which are not so easy, because gluten is a popular additive and thickener used in the food industry.

Although most doctors do not recognize anything but the full blown celiac disease, to the contrary, scientific studies in my office show that many people who are sensitive to gluten will have other symptoms such as rashes, unexplained neurological symptoms, dermatitis and arthritis. Because gluten causes an allergic inflammatory reaction in the small bowel, this can reduce the absorption of many other nutrients leading to certain types of nutritional and vitamin deficiencies. Gluten sensitivity is therefore a “GI allergy” which can cause symptoms in distant organs due to nutritional deficiencies. Various types of blood tests are available for diagnoses, some of which are more reliable than others; it is estimated that it generally takes over five years of doctor visits before this diagnosis is made. The proper treatment for gluten sensitivity is not only avoiding the offending grain, but also replacing the deficient nutrients.