Sunday, March 21, 2010

Know Your Herbs: Tumeric

Medicinal Uses: Tumeric is a perennial plant in the ginger family that is native to tropical South Asia (especially India) and is a key ingredient in curries as well as other South Asian and Middle Eastern cuisines. Its active ingredient is curcumin. It has been used in India for medicinal purposes for over 2500 years where it was probably first used as a dye.

Many studies are pointing to Tumeric being a natural wonder drug. Here's why!

There are many benefits to adding this herb to your diet. We will list just a few. First, it is useful in disinfecting cuts and burns because it is an antibacterial agent. When combined with cauliflower, it has been shown to both prevent prostate cancer and stop the growth of existing prostate cancer. It reduces the incidence of childhood leukemia and is also a natural liver detoxifier.

In addition, it may slow the progression of Alzheimer's disease, prevent metastases in different cancers, is a strong anti-inflammatory agent ( it is a natural treatment for arthritis and rheumatoid arthritis), is a natural pain killer, may help in fat metabolism and weight management and has long been used by Chinese medicine to treat depression.

Uses in folk medicine: An Aryuvedic remedy uses tumeric to stop diarrhea within minutes. It has been used in South Asia as an antiseptic for cuts, burns and bruises. In Afghanistan and Northwest Pakistan, tumeric is applied to a piece of burnt cloth and placed over a wound to control inflammation and stimulate recovery.
Teas in Japan and Okinawa feature tumeric as the main ingredient.

Please remember to consult your physician before using the herb.
Image source (1)

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