Sunday, October 11, 2009

Depression . . .

We are entering the Holiday Season. It is also the depression season and the poor economy will make it worse. Feeling blue and down, for brief periods of time is normal. When these feelings are there most of the time, or bad enough to effect our work and personal life, then that person has some degree of depression.

A sense of loneliness or personal failure is typical. This cloud hangs over millions of people and most are ashamed to talk about it. Instead they suffer from poor sleep, weight gain or loss of appetite and lack of interest in life. This condition affects almost 20 million Americans and yet it can be successfully treated.

Depression is usually due to an imbalance of chemicals in our brain. They are called neurotransmitters, sending the signals from one cell to another. There are many different types, some to keep things calm, others to stimulate and excite. They have names like serotonin, norepinephrine and GABA. Depression can respond to medicines called antidepressants. But sometimes, because of nutritional deficiencies, the brain cannot produce enough of these substances and the medicines are much less effective. This is quite common.

A proper in-depth nutritional evaluation of the patient and replacement of the deficiencies can result in a tremendous and natural improvement in brain function, relieving many of the symptoms of depression.

This office has been doing this type of testing for many years with impressive results. For more information and a free consultation, please call us at (914) 241-7030.

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